在这个即将到来的季节,金字塔的维护计划让你安心! 点击查看更多信息.

弯管加热 & 冷却 在室内茁壮成长

弯管加热 & 冷却

弯曲交流维修 & 24/7供暖服务,满足您所有的舒适需求

小加里·菲利斯. 打开 千亿体育娱乐平台 2004年,在他妻子简的帮助下. 当时, Gary带来了超过25年的暖通空调经验, 和 still leads our team in bringing quality heating 和 cooling services to 俄勒冈州 residents to this day.

Schedule fast 和 affordable repair, installation, or any other service relating to heating & 在本德冷却,OR 千亿体育娱乐 在线或打电话 (541)-275-9807 今天!


千亿体育娱乐平台 offers a full range of HVAC services designed to keep your home or business comfortable no matter the weather. 如果你对室内空气不满意, contact our 弯曲 team for everything from new installations to basic maintenance.


  • 加热空调 系统维护
  • 新的加热和冷却系统
  • 炉维修 和安装
  • 空调维修及安装
  • 无管系统 维修安装
  • 热水器服务和维修
  • 家庭和办公室管道清洁
  • 管道维修
  • 干燥机排气口清洗
  • 空气质量系统的安装和维修
  • 定期维护计划
  • 湿度控制系统


弯曲, 俄勒冈州, 它以四季分明而闻名, 包括冷, 多雪的冬天和温暖的冬天, 阳光明媚的夏天. This climate presents unique challenges for heating 和 cooling systems.

  • 冬天: 弯曲 experiences frigid temperatures 和 snowfall, making efficient heating systems crucial.
  • 桑玛: 虽然不像该国其他地区那么热, 本德的夏天仍然很温暖, 需要可靠的空调.


  1. 能源效率: 鉴于本德对可持续发展的承诺, 节能的加热和冷却系统备受追捧.
  2. 耐用性: 弯曲's climate can be harsh, so systems must be built to withst和 the elements.
  3. 安静的操作: 居民们通常喜欢安静的家,尤其是在睡觉的时候.
  4. 空气质量: Given the potential for indoor air pollution, systems that prioritize air quality are in dem和.


  • 冬化: Preparing heating systems for the harsh winter months, including inspections, tune-ups, 和 repairs.
  • 夏季降温: Installation, repair, 和 maintenance of 空调 units to ensure optimal comfort.
  • 热泵安装: Exploring the benefits of heat pumps as a versatile solution for both heating 和 cooling.
  • 室内空气质素: Offering services such as duct cleaning, allergen removal, 和 air purifier installations.


  • 〇加热不均匀 如果一些房间比其他房间吸收更多的热量, 或者你的房间都没有足够的暖气, 在我们的弯道呼叫 加热器修复 专业人士. If you have a traditional furnace, you should be getting even heating across the board.
  • 水电费上涨 If the utility that powers your heater has a bill that's steadily climbing yet you aren't changing your heating habits, 给我们打电话. 如果你的加热器不是100%,它需要维修, 它可能需要更多的投入才能达到相同的产出水平.
  • 难闻的气味 如果你在这个季节第一次打开暖气, 它可能会燃烧掉有难闻气味的灰尘. But if you smell rotten eggs 和 have a gas unit, you have a gas leak 和 should act accordingly.
  • 〇奇怪的声音 因为不同的声音意味着不同的东西, you should 在我们的弯道呼叫 加热器修复 experts if you hear anything out of the ordinary. 小心砰砰声, clicking or rattling sounds 和 note them to our 加热器修复 specialists upon their arrival.
  • 饱受室内空气质量之苦 不管是灰尘, static electricity or dry heat your heater can negatively impact your indoor air quality in a variety of ways if it isn't at 100%.

To schedule an appointment with our 弯曲 加热器修复 专业人士, contact us 在线 请致电 (541)-275-9807!


当你的空调在俄勒冈州的高温下下降时,你有两个选择. 您可以直接更换设备,也可以选择空调维修. 维修似乎是更经济有效的解决方案, 然而,在以下情况下 AC替换 从长远来看可能会帮你省钱.

  • 你的空调老了 空调的平均使用寿命约为10年. 如果你的部队比这老得多, you should think twice before sinking more money into repairing it because you're sinking money into a unit that's going to need to be replaced in due time.
  • 它需要一次又一次的修理 我们的弯 空调维修 只要你需要,专家总是会来修理你的设备, but if you're getting to know our repair team by name then they're over too often. There comes a time when another 空调维修 is more expensive than replacing the unit 和 it's about making the switch before it gets to that point.
  • 该装置需要R22氟利昂- Units that require this banned substance will become more 和 more expensive to run as time goes on. 澄清一下, 使用制冷剂并不违法, but the production has stopped so it will get increasingly expensive as time goes on.

We know that you have a lot of options when it comes to HVAC services 和 that you want only the best technicians for your home or business. 金字塔式供暖 & 空气, we strive to go above 和 beyond typical HVAC companies by providing our customers with a whole host of benefits.

选择我们弯管加热的客户 & 冷却也得到:

  • 〇全天候服务 不要满足于另一个弯曲加热 & cooling company that is going to make you wait until the next day to get something fixed when you need us most at night. 我们每天24小时都为您服务.
  • 经过培训的、有执照的、经过背景调查的技术人员 Our team of HVAC technicians is fully licensed 和 check to make sure that you get the best experience possible when it comes to your HVAC experience with us.
  • 〇免费估算 We want you to know fully well what you'll be spending with us before spending a dime. We know that this service will help us better provide you your HVAC experience because an informed consumer makes better, 数据驱动的决策.
  • 可负担的融资选择与批准的信贷- 我们需要AC & 供暖服务在经济上尽可能可行. So make sure to check our financing options with approved credit to see if you can save long term with us should you qualify.
  • 省钱的优惠券和特别优惠 Always make sure to double-check that you can't save off our services in the short run with a coupon. It's a great way to save, just make sure to bring the coupon to the attention of our 弯曲 heating & 他们服务前的冷却专家.
  • 访问 预防性维护计划- 另一个省钱的方法是查看我们的维护计划. Not only do they make you privy to priority scheduling but you'll get discounts that only a select few get access to.

For prompt, superior service from a team that puts customer satisfaction above anything else, 网上联络我们或 呼叫 (541)-275-9807 今天来见我们本德暖通空调团队!


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    谢谢金字塔照顾我的家人, 感谢你出色的工作, 感谢你们出色的沟通和服务!


    I went out for 5 bids but Pyramid was the only contractor to thoroughly assess the property 和 address my specific needs.


    If you're intending to get AC 和 heating in your home give Pyramid a chance to impress you as well.

    "Professional, 效率很高,大约3个小时就完成了安装."

    The two technicians who did the installation a few days later were professional, 效率很高,大约3个小时就完成了安装.


    I just can't say enough about the high quality of service both from the office of Pyramid to the technician at our home.



  • 健康家居倡导者
    我们不是来给你换装备的. 我们希望您家的整体健康茁壮成长.
  • 可用的24/7
    We have technicians available around-the-clock to service you when you need us most.
  • 我们的工艺
    We consistently deliver the highest level of quality installations, repairs, 和 service.
  • 我们的技术人员
    We are invested in our staff 和 technicians to ensure they receive the highest level of training.
  • 融资选择

    Our many financing options with approved credit will give you the peace of mind you deserve.